Agile Breakfast: Courageous Change – based on Fearless Journey

TechTalk GmbH
Saturn Tower, 16. Stock
Leonard-Bernstein-Straße 10
1220 Wien


08:30 - 10:00 Uhr

Daniel Sack & Richard Brenner

Change is hard and leading is dangerous – no matter what your role is! And sometimes you can feel like there’s no way forward and change is impossible.

Zvonimir Durcevic and Robert Finan would like to inspire and equip you with some ideas for courageously overcoming obstacles to change. First we will look at some of the concepts and patterns that can be used to overcome resistance to new ideas, as described in the book Fearless Change (by Linda Rising and Mary Manns). Then we will play the Fearless Journey game, (created by Deborah Preuss) which explores these patterns in more detail. During the game you will have time to have a conversation about their application to the obstacles you face in the real world. Through this we hope to help you find new ways of leading change!

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